GIS Module
Integrated GIS mapping for telecoms
The GIS telecom module offers complete integration of your logical and physical inventory with GIS mapping capabilities and geographic backgrounds

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Visualize and explore your network – graphically or geographically
With GIS-enabled telecoms inventory management, you can easily view the location of all your network assets. The GIS module is fully interactive, allowing you to zoom in on different locations, all the way down to the equipment level or even individual manholes, handholes, and OSP.
Open and standardized
The GIS telecom information is based on our own geo-database, while you can select whichever background maps you prefer (such as Google, Bing, OpenStreet Maps, ESRI, or specific government agencies), and is fully aligned with your network inventory.
- Visualize physical (active and passive), logical, virtual assets, workflows and more
- Plot and control all connectivity types, color coded for convenience
- Create complete Bill of Materials for current and planned connections
Understand capacity and plan more effectively
With the GIS telecom module, users can select any type of connectivity to understand routes, current capacity, and the impact of changes. Plan new connections, with the optimum path automatically selected to manage costs and accelerate service deployment.
- Create sites, expand views, and measure distances
- Draw new connection paths and align with geo data
- Manage network changes from a single interface
Rich export and reporting functions
Network maps can be imported and exported in KML/KMZ and Shape format, as well as AutoCAD (.dwg). Create reports with images – maps, equipment views, floorplans, racks, cable routes, and more. Choose what to display and save in PDF, Word or HTML format.
- Simple navigation, with zoom functions
- Unique view of logical connections correlated with services
- Reduce network outages, identify SPOFs and enhance sales
- Fiber, copper, sub-sea, satellite, mobile, microwave
VC4-S2C Overview
Explore the next generation of network inventory
management solutions